Saturday, March 29, 2008
A Day To Remember

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
15 minutes
Lily turned one last week on Wednesday. How crazy is that? I was at work and visiting the potty for the umpteenth time that day, and I thought for a moment "before this day last year, I didn't know who Lily was." And I almost started to cry. I don't cry much in general, so you can tell that I am really getting ready to have another baby soon. Anyway, we had a lovely birthday party for Lil with her closest uncles and aunts, and her Arizona grandparents. The cake-eating portion of the evening was definitely the best, only because Lily was so tentative about the whole thing. I truly expected her to smash her face into the piece, but instead she just dipped her fingers in the frosting and licked them, one by one, giggling all the while. She is so cute it makes me want to throw up. Man I love her!
To be completely fair, I went pee, and had started a new paragraph and then my fifteen minutes were up. But how glorious those fifteen minutes were! Now Lily is asleep, as are the in-laws, and Chris is on his way home from playing basketball with his buddies. I figure I have another 15 minute window...
So I came home from work today to a brand new house. Kinda. My in-laws are crazy because they come out to Arizona from Oregon to see their kids, grandkids, and to either make things or fix things. these crazy people do not know how to sit still. Last time they were here they made up Gabe's nursery, the time before that they totally redid my bathroom that got jacked up by clogged gutters and too much rain, and they did Lily's nursery too. They are so amazing at everything they do. Anyhoo, we are trying to get ready to put our house on the market, but before we can do that we need to fix the things that need fixing. So there was a hole in our ceiling in the living from- you guessed it- rain, and there were holes in the walls in our dining room and master bathroom from our dogs. I use the past tense only because THERE ARE NO MORE HOLES! These crazy kids have been working on the house for two days and they are already done! Plus they fixed my shower, cleaned my bathroom, the kitchen, and not only filled the holes in the dining room, but they repainted the whole thing and scrubbed it down! INCREDIBLE! There was at least an inch of THICK dirt on everything in the dining room- cause it's actually been the dining room slash dogs' room. And our dogs are D-I-R-T-Y. Chris gave them a bath the other day, bless his heart, but it doesn't matter. There is dirt in the backyard so there is dirt on them. But now the dogs are not allowed in the house, after my mother-in-law talked sense into her son, so the house should stay relatively clean.
I would have been more embarrassed by all that my in-laws have done for me, and all the crap that they've seen and had to clean, but they just did such an incredible job with EVERYTHING that there is no room for embarrassment, just undying gratitude. I actually feel a little bit more prepared to have this baby now that the house is getting fixed up, and there isn't as much dirt and dander on everything. Sure the child-to-be doesn't have any real bedding yet, and his clothes aren't set up in his drawers or anything yet, but the dining room looks great! And that makes me feel great.
Friday, March 14, 2008
When It Rains It Pours
Then three years ago, while I was working in Korea, I was back to seeing a dermatologist and the doctor on the regular because I still had psoriasis, and suddenly I got an amazing bout of adult acne, and I developed an ulcer. So great. And I had just gotten back together with Chris after we split up (he split up with me technically) for a few months, but we got back together long-distance cause he was in Iraq and I was in Korea, but we were going to see each other again for the first time in over a year in the midst of all my unattarctive and sickly glory at my sister's wedding in Toronto. Again- amazing. The Lord taught me a lot about humility and vanity through all that.
Anyhoo, here I am eight months and then some pregnant. Everyday is another day filled with back aches, pelvic pain, and lots of trips to the potty. Chris just got a new schedule at work, which means he is actually home with me in the evenings which is INCREDIBLE, seeing as how for the first two years of our marriage I only got to eat dinner with him three times a week. If I was lucky. But having him home is so great cause we eat dinner together, can see our friends together, and he is around to do bath time and bed time with Lily, which is so great cause it is getting harder and harder for me to get Lily out of the tub by my gigantic self.
So Sunday night, we were just enjoying a quite night at home. We rented 'Michael Clayton' which was a good movie (I rarely to never watch 'serious' movies), but we ate dinner first and then we were going to get settled to watch it. But I was afraid that we were going to be extremely tired by the time the movie was over so I insisted that we do the dishes first. Chris put Lily to bed (bless his heart) and I got started on the dishes. I was almost done when he came in and I asked for his help. That was mistake number one. There were two frying pans and a pot lid on the stove from breakfast, and I asked him to pass them to me. Mistake numero dos. As he passed them over, the pot lid slid off the pans and landed right on my third toe on my left foot. Oh the cussing that ran through my head (I have since repented.) The toe started to bleed and I told Chris to get out of the kitchen. He was in shock over what just happened and he insisted on helping me out. I told him I would finish the dishes and that he could just go and watch tv. This made him feel worse, but I just didn't want to look at him for some reason. Anyway, I felt like a big weenie for being in SO MUCH PAIN over such a small cut on such a small appendage. We finally sat to watch the movie, but every once in awhile I had to sit up and just hold my foot cause it hurt so badly.
Chris felt horrible. Which made me feel kinda bad too. I know he didn't do it on purpose (or did he? He says he feels too bad to help me in the kitchen anymore...) But seriosuly, Chris is just a big beautiful bleeding heart. He has never hurt me on purpose, or by accident before, but if he does hurt me by accident, he always feels really horrible about it. He's a good boy. Anyhoo, we went to bed that night and I was pretty pissed. What if my toe was broken? What if I had to wear a cast or something crazy while being eight months pregnant? And of course, the next day I also got a scab or something in my nose- and it hurts like crazy every time I have to blow it. Again- something so small, but painful, and definitely very annoying in the grand scheme of everything else that is going on with my body at present.
So, my toe actually is broken (in two places near the top) but it doesn't hurt anymore. I wear a special shoe so that I can't bend my toe in a weird way. But now that it is officially broken, Chris doesn't feel bad anymore! He's crazy. I was really hoping to milk this for as long as possible. But alas, here I sit, with my crazy new shoe, and umbrella overhead, waiting for this storm to pass. And it will, because that's what storms do.