monday morning, robert and lindsay headed out of town, leaving their three little monkey children behind. i am so happy for them! they really needed a break. they come back tomorrow and i am looking forward to hearing about all the sleep that they got, and all the hot food they got to eat that they didn't cook. a giant village of people stepped up to do what robert and lindsay do with the three kids every day and night. i had a very short shift from monday to tuesday. i started off with just emma, which was nice cause chris took lily to ballet, so just topher and i hung out with emma and it was quiet, and calm, and lovely.
then lily, topher, emma and i headed to the other watson house where gabe and corban were napping. when the boys woke up from their nap, chaos ensued, but it was a very manageable chaos. having the five kids awake together for an hour was ok, but had it been for much longer, who knows what would have happened. but it reminded me of my incredible mother, because the age range from lily to emma is about the same from my sister to my twin brothers. how my mom had five kids, raised them, and didn't kill any of them is amazing. props to you mama ham! you are amazing.
anyhoo, corban, who is 2, is hilarious. he has this hilarious little voice and speaks in an interesting way. he is much easier to understand now than he was about 3 months ago, but he still says things in his own way. for instance, i just noticed this week that he calls lily 'woody' and topher 'toaster'. it has made me laugh all week just thinking about it. i love that crazy kid.
then yesterday i went to the hospital to see my beautiful friend cindy who just had her second baby girl. so awesome! praise Jesus. i will do a separate post about that later. but i brought lily and topher to the hospital with me, and my superpregnant friend erin had her son, greyson, with her, so we took turns visiting our friend and waiting in the lobby with the kids. great times! when i came out from my visit with the brantons, the kids and erin were looking into the nursery where a little newborn was under the uv lights, wearing tanning goggles, and chillin like a villain. so cute. lily loved it!
when chris got home, she told him all about it. this is their conversation:
lily: "we saw a tiny ittle baby and it was wearing sunglasses and it was so cute!"
chris: "when mia comes out of mommy's belly she will be that small too. and then you guys can meet her. aren't you so excited to meet mia?"
lily: speechless. look of horror on her face.
chris: "aren't you excited to meet mia? your baby sister?"
lily: "what??? we can't EAT mia! she's my baby sister!"
chris: "i didn't say EAT. i said MEET. we will not eat your baby sister."
i love little kids cause they say, and i guess hear, the darndest things :)
ps. have i ever mentioned before that we are naming our baby Mia Joelle? maybe i have, maybe i haven't... i'm losing my mind... if i haven't- now you know!