Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ghetto-Fabulous Halloween

Here is our family at our Small Group's Halloween party that was this last Saturday. We went crazy ghetto this year because of the recession. Every year, Halloween is a pretty big deal in our household. Chris just loves to get dressed up and make people laugh. If I were on our other computer, I would show you the progression of Halloween costumes he has had over the last couple years. And the amount of money spent on costumes have ranged from $100 (pre-marriage!) to about $30. Last year was the $30, when we bought material to make all of the Wizard of Oz costumes. That was $30 and about 20 hours of labor! FRom both Jeehon and myself! This year we spent a whopping $4.79. Money was not necessarily the issue, it was more of a heart matter- I just didn't really care this year! And neither did Chris. In fact, Mr. Halloween himself did NOT have a costume idea three hours before the party. (Which, by the way, we were in the van driving back from Sierra Vista. Long day!) Two hours before, he ran to the closest costume store and bought a Phantom of the Opera mask for $4. And he also picked up a black make-up pen for Topher's mustache. $.79.
Our family theme was Movie Characters. We borrowed a suit from Sungu so that Topher could be Charlie Chaplin. A ghetto Charlie Chaplin. I got this idea from Topher who occassionally acts like the silent, quirky, comedic actor. Then last year Kim got a rat costume on clearance for about $5 so that made Lily 'Ratatouille'. She is holding a spoon for effect. It cost a chocolate chip oatmeal cookie to get her into the dang thing, and as soon as she finished eating it, the costume came off. At least we got one pic! As for myself, I went as Juno, from the movie of same name. But in reality, I looked like myself from the time I was pregnant with Lily to the time that Lily was one year and a week old. Except I wore a skirt over my jeans, which Juno did, and I did not. But you can't see it in this picture.
Anyhoo, here are some pics of my little man being as cute as cute can be. Chris and I will very unfortunately not be taking our kids trick or treating this year, as we will be driving back from El Paso (this is the main reason for Chris' and my lethargy in getting dressed up this year), but the babes will be with their Nana and Papa, so I'm sure I will have awesome new pics next week. And we are still trying to think of a costume that Lily will actually wear...

Topher is wearing track pants with his suit jacket. The suit pants were too big on him and he doesn't have a baby belt, and so while he was walking around the house before the party, his pants were around his ankles. Poor skinny kid...
Looking dapper in his borrowed hat (Charlie Chaplin's looked different, but this one was free so we took it!) And he is wearing one of Chris' ties that i was going to cut, but instead tucked into his sweatpants!

At the end of the night, our poor little guy was spent. And possibly drunk... This may be what he is going to look like in 40 years...
Happy Free-Candy-Getting Folks!

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