here's a picture of the supercute and disappointed kid who sat in front of me at the cardinals game on sunday. that's right folks, i went to THE cardinals game on sunday, and it was amazing. it was my first ever live nfl game. and it will probably be my last, because there is no way i will ever go to a game that good ever again.
i really enjoy symmetry in my life, and earlier this year, chris and i went to flagstaff to see the cardinals at their training camp with our friends brian and carrie. then our wonderful friends called us up this week cause they had just gotten four tickets to the game and wanted to take us. how awesome to have disgustingly generous friends.
the day was just perfect for everyone. nana and papa were slotted to watch the kids ALL DAY. fortunately they hung out at chruch all morning, which left the afternoon for naps, escalade driving (i'm going to have to get a vidoe of that up here soon), and football watching. thanks so much for being the best nana and papa ever! lily and topher did not even miss us a little!
chris and i were able to have a great meal with our friends- plus adult conversation that was not interrupted by 'don't put that in your nose.' (lily's new favorite thing to do is stuff things in her nose.) the weather was ridiculously gorgeous. our seats were in the end zone where all the good action took place. and after about 3 and a half hours of being on our feet- we, the cardinals, came out victorious, and i, jihae watson, came out a few pounds lighter. a perfect day for a perfect game.
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