Friday, August 19, 2011

hair today, gone tomorrow

lily really wanted short hair. yesterday i trimmed topher's hair around his ears, and lily said she wanted her hair cut short too. i told her we would cut it at the end of summer (octoberish here in the desert). she said ok. we were going to go swimming at chris' cousin's house so i just wanted to keep damaging her hair with chlorine and sunshine, and then cut it once swimming season came to an end.

so we went to chris' cousin's house and had a great time. lily even got a piece of gum from their fancy little gum ball machine. she loved it. she chewed that tiny little gum ball for almost an hour. and i don't know how it ended up in her hair when that hour ended, but it did. so, i cut her hair,much to the chagrin of her father who really loves long hair. but i told him he should be super thankful because i almost cut her hair that morning, and she probably still would have gotten gum in it anyway, and if she had, i would have had to cut her hair even shorter. he was very satisfied/relieved that lily looked adorable with her new shoulder-length hair cut. i didn't take any real pictures of it. wish i had.

then today happened. nothing special at first. then chris left for work in the afternoon and the kids had quiet time. i think my kids must really hate quiet time cause they do their best at destroying things during it.

lily had quiet time in my room today. i fell asleep on the couch for about 15 minutes. then i played some words with friends. then i decided to go check on my kids, cause it sounded like they were both in my room, even though topher was supposed to be in his room. so i opened the door and found lily holding a pair of scissors and chris' deoderant.

i tried assessing the situation in a hurry, but i could not. there was too much going on. lily was wearing her ballet outfit (she is starting ballet classes next monday!) so she looked supercute. but then there was hair everywhere, and i couldn't decide if it was hair from yesterday;s haircut (i'm gross, i know. i didn't clean it up yet.) and then there was the mystery of why she was holding chris' deoderant. and then i really looked at her hair. and i saw that she had cut off the ends of her little front pig tails, and then i saw that she had just haphazardly cut out chunks of her hair. it was a seriously serious disaster.

as i stroked her hair, more chunks kept falling out. it was craziness. and her hair felt pretty weird- she had put deoderant on her head. weirdness. she got deoderant on topher's head too. fortunately she did not cut any of his hair. not that that treally matters since a simple head-shaving could fix any damage she could have caused to his hair. but things were going to have to be a bit more methodical to fix lily's locks.

lily cried and said she was sorry. that was sweet and all. but sorry was not going to undo what had been done! i guess sorry never actually undoes anything. but i reminded her that sorry means that we will never again do what it is that we are sorry for. lily, in as innocent a voice as she could muster, reminded me that she wanted to have short hair and that i did not cut her hair short yesterday. YOWSERS! so i guess i was asking for this?....

anyway, we got in the car and drove to Lollilocks at val vista and baseline. supercute little salon for kids. the hairdresser there did a great job of giving lily layers (lily did a really great job of giving herself A LOT of layers too) and a shorter new hair do. i am a big fan, though chris is not just yet.

here are pics from our special adventure today. we are all reminding ourselves that it is just hair and it will grow back. and once i start slipping in some of my prenatal vitamins into lily's diet, her hair will grow back even faster yet!


The Sommermeyers said...

First off let me say WOOHOO! CONGRATS ON WATSON GIRL #2!! I'm sure there will be lots more DIY hair cutting episodes in your future :) Secondly, I mean this as a compliment, reading about your crazy kid fiascos reminds me that I'm not alone. So many mommies in the same shaky boat. You're doing such a great job! Thirdly, a couple moms and I just started this super easy-read book called "Loving the Little Years; Motherhood in the trenches." I recommend it. It's all about treating your kids like Jesus would treat them, even when they're pooping on the floor and making you crazy and stuff.

Christin said...

Yikes! What a story! She looks absolutely stunning after all is said and done. Maybe she should be a hairstlylist. :)

Brantonians said...

Way to not freak out! I think once Brielle gets hair, if that chick ever cut it off herself, I'd lose my mind. You rock, mama!