Monday, January 30, 2012

sweet sister

here's lily doing her best impression of frida kahlo- gotta love unibrows! i don't know why she is painting with her mouth though:

my lily is getting so stinkin big and OLD! the other day i told the kids to get ready for lunch. i was at the stove putting the finishing touches on their food and when i turned around i found that lily had set the table without my asking. in fact i have NEVER asked lily to set the table, but she grabbed place mats, napkins, and set forks on the napkins. so amazing!

lily is prety much the most helpful person in this house, next to chris who continues to bring home the bacon. but she is hot on his heels! she is all about mia and insists on helping out with her in every way possible- lily actually gets upset if i get a diaper for mia myself. bath time is lily's favorite thing to help me out with. she shampoos mia's head with the little plastic brush-thing they give you at the hospital, and she dumps out the bath water while i get mia dry and dressed. you'd think the girl was 10, not 4-almost-5.

though lily and i still have our epic dinner-time battles, and she does find herself in time-out every now and again, but she is an awesome big sister to both mia and topher and that's more than i can ask for.

1 comment:

Brantonians said...

Tell the truth...did you put Lil in a time machine sometime since Christmas? The girl is growing up exponentially! I'm not OK with this! You tell your beautiful preteen, that she needs to back it up and be 2 again. IN fact, I'd like to instate a rule that none of our kids can age past two (except they CAN all be potty trained!). Love you. Love your kids!