Saturday, October 4, 2008

Best Vacation Ever!

Sunday night, Chris was talking to his mommy in Oregon on the phone. Tuesday was the day he, his bro Robert, and sister Andi were supposed to fly out to get their mom and bring her HOME to Arizona! But, as Barb was packing, she discovered she had A LOT OF STUFF and had to get another moving truck, and therefore needed two more drivers to come and make the trek. So they enlisted myself and a fine young gentleman names Jesse to join the caravan.

Fortunately, I have the best sister in the world, so she offered to (willingly, not on drugs or anything) watch both Lily and Topher for the next two or three days (however long this journey was going to take.)

We left on Tuesday morning at about 5:30am. We were on two seperate flights, which worked out just fine for me cause I was able to read the Bible and sleep and just be BY MYSELF! It was awesome. Don't get me wrong folks, I missed the poop right outta my kids. As soon as I landed in Oregon, I busted out my phone just so I could look at the pics of my babies in my album. It was nice to get an opportunity to miss the little boogers! Anyhoo, we got into Portland at abour 11am, and proceeded to eat lunch, and say bye to a lot of very sad friends of Barb's. It finally occured to me that moving to Arizona wasn't just a huge blessing for our family, but a sad occassion for everyone she was leaving behind in Oregon. And even a sad occassion for Barb herself. I was once again reminded that my mother-in-law is amazing. (And my step-father-in-law too! We love you Jerry and can't wait for you to be out here with us!)

It was very nice meeting Barb's friends (and my three Blog-reading fans! ok... so two of the three are Barb and Jerry. and I have technically met them before...) and seeing where she worked and just being in Oregon again. Chris and I were last in Oregon four Christmases ago and we had a blast. Until Chris got food poisoning and we almost broke up (again) at the airport. Loooooong story. I'll get back to it some other day. But part of me wanted to come back to Oregon for the amazing weather (read: anything lower than 90 degrees) and to say Hi and Bye to Jerry and to see if my relationship with Chris was stronger now than it was four years ago... just joking. But it is!

Anyhoo, we left Oregon at 8pm on Tuesday night and did not make it back home till 10pm on Wednesday night. The trip was full of driving, bathroom breaks (for us, and the two english bulldogs), junk food, bad coffee, and great fellowship! Sure there were times of excruciating pain (sitting and driving and trying to stay awake on long stretches of boring road is not as fun as it sounds) but there were times of funfunfun. And quite frankly, as the mother of two young babies, this was the best vacation I've had in a long time! I'd do it again in a heartbeat!

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