Thursday, January 14, 2010

Good Support. Part 1

i was going to write a post about having good support around you. and then i got this e-mail from chris' grandfather, so i thought i would share it, cause it made my day:

"To my Dear, Dear, Jihae,

I throughly enjoy reading your blog, it's a daily thing for me and I'm disappointed when there is a lapse for a few days but I plug on, knowing that another one will eventually come. I'm pleased with your blog on Serious Rambling. Your (that's plural, including Chris) desire to grow in Christ and recognize dissatisfaction that there is more to life than just satisfying yourself is very reassuring. The very first question in the Westminster Shorter Catechism is "what is the primary purpose of man?" And the answer is "To glorify God and enjoy him forever." That really sums it up very beautifully. It's a real trap though to think of what you could or should be doing (and being dissatisfied by your "failures") when in reality God calls us first exactly where we are, both in time and maturity. The old maxims "Bloom where you are planted" and "when God gives you lemons make lemonade" etc are really quite valid. The ministries and opportunities in your life now will be quite different from the ministries and opportunities you'll find yourself in ten years from now when the kids are becoming teenagers, and twenty years from now when the kids are grown and gone, and thirty years from now when you're slowing a bit but have greater opportunities to do more. Every decade brings new and exciting relationships and opportunities, and as long as your vision is fixed on God, He will use you for His glory. So hang in there, take time to meditate on the Word, follow the good impulses that keep you in obedience to loving your neighbor (and your friends), and keep on being the wonderful granddaughter that you have become. I love you and we love you, and your husband, and your sweet children, and any future children that you may be blessed with.


thanks grandpa/ggpa! i, we, love you too.

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